Understanding Raw Sapphires
What are Raw Sapphires?
Sapphires are a member of the corundum mineral family. When found underground or along riverbeds in their natural state, they are referred to as raw sapphire or rough sapphire.
Characteristics of Raw Sapphire
They may have a rounded shape like a pebble, which indicates they traveled a long distance through rivers or other waterbeds. They may also have straight sides with sharp edges when they are recovered from underground mining sites.
Importance of Proper Handling of Raw Sapphire
Depending on the particular stone, there are various ways of handling raw sapphire. Sapphire polishing is fun but knowing how to handle sapphire helps make the result more desirable.
For instance, if the raw sapphire stone is water-worn—having a rounded exterior, it’s possible to smooth all the exterior surfaces out and make a cabochon stone or even one with a fully round and polished exterior. Otherwise, the raw sapphire can be faceted with flat high-polished surfaces resulting in a glamourous, sparkly jewel.

Tools for Polishing Sapphire
If you’re an amateur gemstone enthusiast, you may want to begin sapphire polishing right away. Collect a tumbler machine or a polishing wheel. Perhaps even at a greater investment, acquire a gemstone polishing lap—with abrasive materials and dops (special sticks) to hold the stones while polishing. You will need significant training, of course, on how to successfully use these instruments.
Determining the Final Shape of Sapphire
Prepare your raw sapphire by giving it a thorough examination. Pay special attention to internal flaws that may compromise the integrity of the finished piece. Because saving weight is always a consideration, let the natural shape of the stone be a guide to its best final shape.
Safety Gear
The first thing you will gather is your safety goggles. Then, prepare a clean, safe, and orderly workspace where your essentials are handy yet safeguarded from accidental spills.
Polishing Finished Sapphires
But what if you have sapphire jewelry with stones that have already been polished?
For polished sapphire jewelry, there may come a time when you need to refresh the stones. That’s understandable, especially with jewelry that is worn all the time. Carefully inspect your sapphire jewelry on a clean towel surface. With a baby toothbrush, you can give the sapphire a thorough cleaning using warm water and mild liquid soap. Allow it to completely air dry.

How Often Should you Care for Polished Sapphire?
The good thing about sapphires is their superb durability. They are extremely hard stones—only diamonds are harder. They take an excellent high polish, and the facets should look perfect for years. It’s recommended that sapphire jewelry be inspected every 6 months.
Long-Term Maintenance Tips for Polished Sapphire
Getting a habit of maintenance for your polished sapphire will prevent problems before they develop. Then about twice a year, check for loose prongs or settings, and chipped stones. Those small problems can be remedied easily before a large crack happens, or a stone is lost.
If you see any facet junctions on top of your sapphire jewelry that appear abraded or nicked from rough wear, you can often send the item to a professional gem cutter. He or she may be able to re-polish the sapphire while in its setting. They would examine it to confirm if that’s recommended in your case. Sharp facet junctions and highly polished surfaces reflect light optimally, making your sapphire sparkle brilliantly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I polish raw sapphire without professional equipment?
No, even basic tumbled or cabochon polishing requires some tools.
How do I avoid scratching my sapphire during the polishing process?
Since sapphire is extremely hard, it’s unlikely you’ll scratch sapphire while polishing it. But another sapphire or a diamond could scratch it if it comes in contact with the stone during polishing.
How do I handle inclusions in a raw sapphire before polishing?
Is it necessary to use a lap machine for polishing sapphires?
Yes, it is essential for polishing raw sapphire.
What are the risks of polishing raw sapphires incorrectly?
Excessive overpolishing of raw sapphire results in lost weight and a very small stone. Also, a stone might splinter if any inclusions are not addressed prior to cutting.
Sapphires are highly coveted gemstones valued for their vibrant colors and durability. Their extreme hardness (Mohs Scale 9) means they take a superior polish, making them a stunning choice for jewelry. After learning how to polish raw sapphires, you'll be able to enhance their natural beauty and enjoy years of brilliance. To help maintain their luster and new look, clean them twice yearly and store them separately from other jewelry items to help keep them brilliant.