Well, here we are—savoring the first few days of 2025.
We should congratulate ourselves for having made it through 2024 with our courage and positive attitude intact. We can all agree that 2024 was a year laden with tremendous challenges.
But may I suggest that instead of licking our wounds, we look forward to the year ahead in a spirit of expectation for the possibilities that lie before us.Where We’re Headed Now
We rode out the irresponsible marketing campaigns for LGD which wreaked havoc on the diamond industry. But eventually, even first-time diamond shoppers are coming to their senses. As the LGD sector went into overtime cranking out fake diamonds 24/7, they flooded the market. Simultaneously, as the market became glutted with these worthless products—consumers discovered they’d bought into a false promise. Their fake diamonds were sparkly—sure-- but they had zero value. Now, they’re waking up from a bad dream and embracing natural diamonds with new respect.
During this rebalancing phase, it appears that De Beer's famed Diamonds are Forever slogan is rising from the dust of disillusioned LGD shoppers. At the same time, diamond consumer’s sentiments are being revived.
As I write this, diamond prices are still at an all-time low compared to vehicles, real estate, or even clothing---which all have unbelievably inflated prices now.
The Road Ahead
Looking at our most loyal customer base, I’ve made some interesting observations. Most of our clients are over 30 years old, and they’re looking for purchases with permanent value -- meaning that long-term value has greater appeal to them than nabbing a “big look” on the cheap, which turns out to be a fancy fake.Making the Most of Bonuses
And here’s something to consider. New Yorkers are facing a bonus bonanza for the first time in 3 years. Traditionally, January is bonus time in New York for the high-end money sector. Major investment banks and financial institutions give out their yearly bonuses. Depending on that year’s fiscal gains, these can be substantial—amounting to maybe 25 - 30% of their annual compensation.
If one gets a $200K bonus, it’s rather expected that the person will also give an appropriate present to their life partner- their wife. And as you cannot (and wouldn’t) give a fake Rolex---likewise you wouldn’t give an LGD diamond or any other gift lacking in real long-term value. A thoughtful piece of real jewelry is a true symbol of the appreciation you give to the partner---after all, they possess real value in your life.A meaningful piece of jewelry becomes even more cherished over time because of what it symbolizes in your life together. They become heirloom jewelry---with their own rich personal story. And they have everlasting value – by eventually being passed down through several generations. Their story continues to sweeten through the years.
A Tradition of Heritage Jewelry
I may have mentioned the story before of our own heirloom jewelry. My wife Rosi inherited a diamond ring from her mother who got it from her mother. Today, it’s a treasured ring belonging to our daughter. And so it goes. We reflect on those who’ve gone before us. This ring represents four generations of ownership in our family. Sure, we could fix a monetary value on it. But in fact, it’s priceless.
If you have not begun the important tradition of creating your own heritage jewelry with your unique story—start now. There’s no better moment than as we enter 2025. Keep your family story alive with a treasured piece of jewelry that will become priceless to those who will later cherish it too.
Real Gifts Have Real Value
Of course, you can buy a new car or the latest fancy cell phone for you partner. But she will say—or at least think that it’s not a present with lasting value. None of those consumables have the personal significance of fine jewelry made just for her.
Technical gadgets become outdated every year as newer versions are released onto the market. They were manufactured with obsolescence in view. But classic jewelry has eternity in view. There’s a timeless appeal to a valuable piece of jewelry that transcends the latest fads and planned obsolescence.
And I don’t have to tell you--a special lady never has too many pieces of jewelry --- and certainly not too big of a diamond. No lady has ever complained that her diamond ring is too heavy or that her earring is pulling on her ear lobes. So, give your wife an appropriate present that really celebrates your joint achievements together in life.
The Way I See it
I foresee that 2025 will be the year of “real diamonds”, and we’ll witness their luster shimmering again. The fake sparkle of LGD will completely lose its appeal causing natural diamonds prices to begin their ascent once more-- getting back to more realistic valuations.
I also predict that it’s a great time for giving a present of everlasting luster and of real value. It will definitely enhance your relationship.
Here’s to a year of real value—real health, real prosperity, and real diamonds. Welcome to 2025.