Assembling the Jewelry



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 Step 6:

Assembling the Jewelry

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The castings are cut from the tree and sorted prior to assembly. Each section of jewelry is cleaned, using a combination of various grades of emery paper, files, and where necessary a trommel.

Once ready, the sections are soldered together to create the finished mount, which is polished before setting the stones.

 Assembling the Jewelry

Richard Lewis, Jewelry Production Manager, Working with the Multiple Sections of the Jewelry

 Assembling the Jewelry Sections

Various Pieces of the Prepared Jewelry

 Jewelry Assembly

Filing Down Sections of the Jewelry

 Jewelry Assembly

Preparing the Sections of the Jewelry for Assembly

 Jewelry Assembly

Preparing the Ready Sections of the Jewelry

 Jewelry Assembly

Preparing the Ready Sections of the Jewelry

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Step 6: Assembling the Jewelry

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